The areas of health, spirituality, and personal development are as important as any other areas when it comes to goal setting.  These may be more important to you as any others as they are likely prerequisites to others.  I think that they should be the most important areas of focus for myself and my family in 2015.
Building Blocks
© eldadcarin / Dollar Photo Club


Diet and exercise immediately come to mind.  A healthy diet and consistent exercise are most likely what your doctor is going to tell you to practice to take care of health issues.

Short-term dieting is not a good goal.  Your goals in the area of health should push you toward a healthier lifestyle, not a lose ten pounds in a month and gain twenty pounds back the next month fad diet.

Pick health goals that you can maintain for the long haul and fit your lifestyle.  Don’t overdo it or you’ll lose interest, become discouraged, or burn out.


Filling yourself up with God’s word and prayer time daily is essential.  A great goal in this area would be to set aside some time daily for dedicated prayer or meditation.

It could be that you don’t feel like your family is spiritually bonded.  You could make it a goal to have prayer before bedtime as a family and/or pray before each meal.

Whatever it is, God wants you to take it to the next level.  He longs for a relationship with you and to be the glue that holds your family together.  Most marriages begin as a Godly companionship and they’re meant to stay that way.

Personal Development

If you like learning then this is probably something that you’re already doing consistently.  I’m always doing something to add to my knowledge so that I can be a better person and have more to give.

Some great ways to consume information on the go are podcasts and audio books.  If you’ve got a decent commute or spend a considerable amount of time traveling then you have adequate time to learn.

Make it a goal to listen to 30 minutes per day of quality audio content or to read a book per month.

There are also some great training sites such as Udemy, Lynda, and PluralSight (more technical) where you can purchase courses specific to your learning goals.

A Foundation

Health, spirituality, and personal development make up the foundation for all areas of your life.  If you’re not pouring into yourself then there’s no way that you can be strong for others.  If you’ve got these key areas going the right way then the other stuff, such as finances, will come as well.

What are you going to do in 2015 to pour into yourself?